CT-MRI Applications open now !

Call for Applications to License Community Surgical and Diagnostic Centres for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) Services in Ontario
Application Guidelines available now
Ministry of Health
June 3, 2024

The Director of ICHSCs has issued this Call for Applications in accordance with section
5 of the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023 (ICHSCA), to
consider the issuance of new ICHSC licences in accordance with the criteria set out in
section 6 of the ICHSCA to provide insured MRI scans and CT scans in community-based settings in Ontario.
This Call for Applications will accept applications for proposed or from existing Health
Facilities that meet the minimum eligibility requirements.
Applicants should illustrate their ability to provide MRI and/or CT scans upon issuance
of an ICHSC licence, to address waitlists and wait times, and to improve patient access
to care, patient experience and health system efficiency in the community.

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